I want to change my relationship with food. I think this blog can play a role. Maybe I can turn this into one of those food porn blogs. Then again, who does that help? I don't know.
I want a food porn blog but does that mean I should create a third blog? It seems a little over the top. How said is it that I feel I have to completely compartmentalize my life - that no one person can see every part? Not even my husband sees this part, and we are very close. I could tell him these thoughts but I don't think I could let him read them because I feel like that's more raw.
In any case, I want to change my relationship with food. I want to get excited about healthy foods and delicious complex foods. I get lazy when I cook and I need to stop that. I want to be more intenional about what I eat and think more about nourishing my body and less about satisfying some urge.
I have several strengths to capitalize one. First, I am not gaga for desserts. I more into salty things, so I don't have to worry about an eternal struggle with chocolate. Second, I am a vegetarian and I am lactose intolerant. I am going to use this as my motivation to give up cheese and other other dairy prducts - the number one calorie contributor in my life probably. After I give up dairy, it seems like I might as well take the plunge into veganism. That might be a few months off or it might happen more quickly than I think. I guess we will see.